Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan

Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan

Last Update: 08 December 2021

Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan is one of school having type KV in PPD Johor Bahru, Johor.

Address of Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan

Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan located at Jln Tun Abdul Razak, PPD Johor Bahru, Johor, with postal code 80350.

Contact Information

If you want to direct contact Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan you can use several media. If you want to send electronic mail (e-mail), you can send it to jha1003@moe.edu.my. If you want to make a phone call, you can call 072374378.



Name Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan
School Code JHA1003
Rank Intermediate
State Johor
PPD PPD Johor Bahru
City of letters Johor Bahru
Address Jln Tun Abdul Razak
Postal Code 80350
Location Bandar
Help SK
Pre school Doesn't Exists
Integration Exists


Phone 072374378
Fax 072386726
Email jha1003@moe.edu.my

Teacher & Student

Number of Teacher 83
Number of Student 487

Location Map Point

Kolej Vokasional Perdagangan located in Latitude: 1.49434200 and Longitude: 103.72720700.

➤ Direction

Schools Review

No review yet


Sekolah Menengah Teknik Johor Bahru

Type SMT
Email jke1001@moe.edu.my
Address Susur 7, jalan tun abd razak

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tasek Utara

Type SMK
Email jea1002@moe.edu.my
Address Susur 7, jalan tun abd razak

Sekolah Kebangsaan Tasek Utara

Type SK
Email jba1119@moe.edu.my
Address Jalan taruka, off jalan datin halimah

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tasek Utara 2

Type SMK
Email jea1079@moe.edu.my
Address Jln taruka off jln datin halimah

Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Uda 2

Type SK
Email jba1065@moe.edu.my
Address Jln padi mahsuri, bandar baru uda

School Data